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              產品展示 / products 您的位置:網站首頁 > 產品展示 > 橡塑保溫材料 > 橡塑保溫管 > 福州華美批發(fā)直銷橡塑保溫管 吸音橡塑海綿管施工方案
              福州華美批發(fā)直銷橡塑保溫管 吸音橡塑海綿管施工方案

              福州華美批發(fā)直銷橡塑保溫管 吸音橡塑海綿管施工方案

              簡要描述:福州華美批發(fā)直銷橡塑保溫管 吸音橡塑海綿管施工方案






              福州華美批發(fā)直銷橡塑保溫管 吸音橡塑海綿管施工方案


              Rubber and plastic heat preservation material and other insulation foam pore structure than:


              1, glass fibre: open pore structure high water vapor permeability (wet resistance factor for 3 to 5), result in higher with the extension of use time coefficient of thermal conductivity, the heat preservation effect is reduced greatly.


              2, foaming polyethylene: even the pore structure, adding flame retardant has a high water vapor permeability (wet resistance factor of 1000), the material of hard and brittle, easy damage, short service life.


              3, rubber and plastic heat preservation material: obturator structure with minimal water vapor permeability (wet resistance factor of 10000 or above) to maintain low coefficient of thermal conductivity for a long time.


              Heating, air conditioning pipe heat preservation material performance comparison table

              材料名稱 密度 導熱系數 溫度 經濟指標

              The name of the material Density coefficient of thermal conductivity temperature indicators

              水泥珍珠巖管 250-400 0.058-0.087 <600 不適用

              Cement perlite tube 250-400-0.058-0.087 < 600 shall not apply

              巖棉保溫管 100-200 0.082-0.058 -268-350 綜合成本高

              Rock wool insulating tubes, 100-200-0.082-0.058-268-350 comprehensive cost is high

              硅酸鋁纖維管 300-380 0.047-0.058 ≤1000 價格較高

              Aluminum silicate fiber, 300-380-0.047-0.058 or less 1000 price is higher

              聚苯乙烯塑料管20-50 0.031-0.047 -80-70 價格適中

              Polystyrene plastic pipe 20 to 50 moderate price 0.031-0.047-80-80

              聚氨酯預制保溫管 30-42 0.023 50-160 成本高

              Prefabricated polyurethane insulation pipe 30-50-160 0.023 42 cost is high

              橡塑絕熱保溫管 50-60 0.032 -50-110 價格相對低廉

              Rubber insulation pipe 50 to 60 0.032-50-110 price is relatively cheap


              Cement perlite, rock wool, polystyrene plastics

              福州華美批發(fā)直銷橡塑保溫管 吸音橡塑海綿管施工方案


              Rubber insulation pipe manufacturers in the process of the transportation of products will always meet this or that kind of problem, is that the correct analysis of these problems, and puts forward solution is particularly important. Below small make up just to give you the popular science.


              Rubber insulation pipe can reduce heating energy consumption, is the new generation of energy-saving insulation materials. In the 1970 s, many countries have begun to attach importance to building energy efficiency, rubber insulation pipe began to market, reduce the heating heat consumption of energy.



              Rubber and plastic materials


              Langfang at the new thermal insulation building materials co., LTD.

              sales hotline:


              Three, construction requirements:


              Rubber insulation material the installation should pay attention to the following:

              3.1、 所有的割隙、接頭都需用膠水粘接密封。

              3.1, all cutting gap, joint needs special glue adhesive seal.

              3.2、 安裝后所有的三通、彎頭、閥門、法蘭和其他附件都需達到設計厚度。

              3.2 after install, all the three links, elbow, valve, flange and other accessories are required to meet the design thickness.

              3.3、 膠水粘結時不要太用力,所有材料間的接口應在輕微擠壓下粘合。

              3.3, don't too hard, glue bonding interface between all the materials should be under mild extruding glue.

              3.4、 安裝時應先大管后小管,先彎頭、三通后直管,zui后閥門、法蘭。

              After 3.4, when installation should first fill small tube, elbow, tee before straight pipe, valve, flange in the end.

              3.5、 當安裝冷凍水管和制冷設備時,橡塑管材的兩端和鐵管之間的空隙都需涂上膠水粘結起來,粘接寬度應不等于橡塑材料厚度。

              3.5, when installing a chilled water and cooling equipment, rubber and plastic will be the gap between the ends of the pipe and pipe coated with glue adhesive, adhesive width should be no is equal to the thickness of rubber and plastic materials.

              3.6、 管道的割隙口應盡量安裝在不顯眼處,且兩條管材的割隙口應相互錯開。

              3.6, pipe cutting gap, should be installed in an inconspicuous area and two pipe cutting gap should be staggered.

              3.7、 機器在使用中不要安裝。裝好后36小時內切勿開機。

              Do not install in 3.7, machines in use. Do not boot loaded after 36 hours.

              3.8、 大管徑橡塑管由于包裝關系已變成橢圓形,剖開時請剖較扁平的那邊。

              3.8, large diameter rubber tube due to relationship has become oval packing, please split the flat side when they cut it open.



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